The 10 best travel locations for introverts

Zadar travel

10) Zadar – Croatia 

  • Zadar is a city full of life right on the Adriatic coastline. If you’re a beach introvert, this is a great place to put on the list. I put this at number 10 because this place isn’t too big and it isn’t too small. It’s got a population of around 75,000. This place is a must-see in person, one of the special locations for introverts. More info
Debrecen is phenomenal especially for locations for introverts

9) Debrecen – Hungary

  • Now while gorgeous Debrecen has a population of over 200,000… It sure doesn’t seem like it. At first you may say how could this be one of the locations for introverts but you won’t believe this population when you see this place in person. The architecture, tram lines, and fountains are so unique to Debrecen. This place will stay in your programming for quite some time. Either by pure beauty or by falling in the river. More info
Everyone must travel to Velemin

8) Velemin – Czech Republic 

  • I bet you never heard of this place, have you? The population in Velemin didn’t even reach 2,000 yet! Now that’s the perfect fit for locations for introverts. Velemin is about an hour’s drive from Prague. If you haven’t seen Prague, I still highly believe you should go see it even if you’re a hardcore introvert. What makes Velemin so spectacular to me are the above-average views. Everywhere you look, you can’t believe your eyes. 
One of the great locations for introverts: Wittenberg,

7) Wittenberg – Germany 

  • Wittenberg is one of those perfect little cities to me. It has a population of around 45,000 so this is our 2nd smallest by population now. The nightlife in this town is a beautiful anomaly. I’m not talking about nightlife as in bars. I’m talking about nightlife as in walking around the city at night and viewing the different buildings. That’s certainly something to do for a cultured introvert like yourself. More info
Go to Nagyhegyes in Hungary

6) Nagyhegyes – Hungary

  • This one looks quite difficult to pronounce, aye? Nay Ja Hees is how you pronounce it. This place has a population of a bit under 3,000 and thankfully so! Travel here and try to remember the name, there’s a challenge for ya. This place is one of those little towns that I could spend so much time in. I’m sure you would agree that once a city hits a certain threshold of people… Everything can be more… Difficult. Go check out Crater Lake!
Lviv, locations for introverts

5) Lviv – Ukraine

  • This might be my personal favorite out of this entire list, it would be a battle between this Lviv and the number 1 spot at least. Lviv has a population of a bit over 700,000 and I know… That seems like a lot. Once you travel here it’s a totally different story. I would advise you to go outside of Lviv and really talk to locals, this place is amazing in every single kind of way. I don’t want to ruin too much of the expectancies when it comes to this phenomenal place. More info
Travel to Cetinje, Montenegro

4)  Cetinje – Montenegro 

  • Now, this is possibly the most unique place on the list. This place has about 14,000 locals. I say it’s the most unique place on the list because of the beauty in the intricacies of the architecture and the craftsmanship of this place. I was so lucky to of had this place bestowed upon my stinky self. (I didn’t shower at that time for quite some time but that’s another story) You MUST travel and visit this place, it’s a one of a kind for locations for introverts. More info
Traveling to Slovakia, in Krompachy

3) Krompachy – Slovakia

  • Krompachy is going to blow your socks off if you’re wearing any when you arrive. The population here is almost 9,000 and it possesses one of the most cabalistic castles the world has ever seen. If you’re into mountains, beautiful landscapes, small villages, and castles… This place is going to rock your world! More info
A day in Leipzig, Germany

2) Leipzig – Germany

  • Now while the population of Leipzig may be almost 600,000 this place is no Venice. The hospitality you’ll receive in this city is bar-none. If I were forced to make a complaint about Leipzig it would have to be…. I’ll have to think about that one. This city is grande in every way possible. Just wait until you see all the great buildings and rivers. If you ever want to relax somewhere, find an intricate alley near the Leipzig town hall building. Even Leibniz, Friedrich Nietzsche and Johann Goethe studied here. More info
Jaszbereny, perfect in locations for introverts
  1. Jaszbereny – Hungary
  • Welcome to the number one pick, this place holds a special place in my heart. Jaszbereny has a population of almost 30,000. If I had to pick this would be my favorite especially for locations for introverts. This place has some of the most significant trials I’ve ever seen, you must travel here. The significance is in beauty and impact in terms of how you’ll remember this place for the rest of your life. You might forget the name here and there… But one thing is absolute and that’s that this place will be an everlasting memory. More info


  • I hope you enjoyed the list and intend on advancing towards these fine establishments.
  • If you plan on traveling soon and want to find the most effective travel gear, here you go. 
  • Most of these places are the greatest during, spring, summer and fall. 
  • Take your time in these places, don’t rush them all. I cannot say this enough, it’s so easy to just rush place-to-place but you’ll most likely regret it very quickly. Sit still, relax and take in your environment. Pay attention in close detail to every single thing around you. Smell all of the different scents, the flowers, the nearby food. 
  • Don’t forget to try to talk to the locals. You don’t have to but they could probably give you much-needed pointers. Especially when it comes to positives and negatives dealing with the city.

Here’s a complimentary video showcasing some of my adventures through some of these places – If you want to see more, go to my channel and the areas are from Europe Vlog 1 through Europe Vlog 14