Guide to traveling to Italy from the United States

Today I’m going to give you a brief description of how easily you can travel to Italy from the United States

Is it potentially frightening to travel to Italy right now? We’ll see as we figure this out together

Travel to Italy from US


  • Figure out if you’re able to travel to Italy first, Italy’s currently not accepting people from these 8 countries: 
  1. Namibia
  2. Botswana
  3. South Africa
  4. Lesotho
  5. Mozambique
  6. Eswatini
  7. Malawi
  8. Zimbabwe
  • If you’ve passed the Italy travel test so far, you’ll most likely need to either show proof of vaccination or Covid-19-free test results
  • As always make sure you’re maneuvering safely to your extent of comfortability
  • As of now, Italy’s Covid cases have been going down for over a month which is a great sign. However, at any time this could inverse and we could see the opposite. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. 
  • Am I going to try to tell you to not go to Italy right now? Absolutely not, are you kidding? Italy’s one of the most transcendentally beautiful countries I’ve ever personally experienced. Sure this may be through my own deductive reasoning but you can also inductively look this up too. Italy rocks more than just socks. 
  • The travel to Italy from US may be difficult and or a potentially bad decision if you have comorbidities or are significantly older than the overall population. Within this sphere, I would tell you that you probably should avoid going to Italy, really anywhere where you must travel by airplane.
  • If you do test positive for Covid-19 at any moment nearing your flight times, you could be forced to self-isolate for at least 5 days
  • More info about Italy’s Covid-19 situation
Beaches in Italy


  • Things in Italy can be expensive, the first expense which is the plane ticket will cost on average at least $1,200 for a round trip ticket.
  • After the plane ticket, everything else ultimately depends on which city you decide to travel to.
  • For example, in Milan and Venice, you can rack up a bill so large that you’ll look at the US as cheap living. However, if you go to places like Palermo you may actually be able to afford basic sustenance. 
  • Make no mistake, it’s easy to rack up a hefty bill on your account. To dining in certain restaurants, renting a boat, leasing a yacht, renting cars, cruises, 5-star hotels, certain sightseeing, and tours.
  • The travel to Italy from US may cost you a lot of money, figure out if the potential otherworldly experiences are personally worth it to you
  • If you want to be more careful about what you spend in Italy if you’re not already, try to write down all of your expenses
Travel to Italy from US


  • Depending on how much time you have you may want to opt-in for the least flight mileage possible. This would mean going for a direct-flight ticket.
  • Remember in dealing with flying in this state of Covid-19 it will also benefit you highly to get a fully refundable ticket. You never really know what’s going to happen directly before the flight unless you’re purchasing a same-day flight of course.You must remember that you will most likely need to either (or both) show proof of vaccination or recent negative covid-19 test results. When you come back to the United States you will also need to think about the same things
  • If you want a certain seat, always make sure you schedule this early. I’ve made this mistake numerous times
  • When you’re thinking about travel to Italy from US, Settle on a time that you want to fly. Maybe even more important than the initial fly date is the return date, this could be a bit scary at first but get those dates down
Wonderful trails


  • It’s all about your itinerary, the second you’re contemplating on flying to Italy… Think about an outline of what you want to do and where you want to go. 
  • Now I’m absolutely not asking you to plan everything, I’m very against this concept. However, I believe having a small outline or idea of certain non-negotiables is an incredibly intelligent thing to do
  • Expect the worst and hope for the best. Plan for bad scenarios and what you would theoretically do in those scenarios. This will not only help you from a practical standpoint but also will force your confidence to unprecedented levels
  • If you’re unconditionally serious about your travel to Italy from US, you deserve your best trip. At least plan a few serious things and give room for spontaneity
  • Here are some examples of things you can plan ahead, trip budget, picking the places in Italy that you need to see vs things you don’t mind not seeing, flight times, return dates, accommodation, paying your bills while you’re away, and revealing your plans to your credit card companies
  • If you have a significant other or children, figure out some solid ideas from them, talk about this with them and exchange solid ideas.
  • Plan on not showcasing any type of wealth, bringing out cash in public, putting your wallet in your back pockets, and being very cautious of pickpockets. I don’t like furthering this Italian stereotype because it happens everywhere. Just be very wary and careful of where all of your possessions are
Travel to Italy from US

What you can expect

  • You can expect the best food you’ve had in your entire existence
  • Wonderful times around wonderful Italian people
  • You will most likely get lost more than one time within your adventures in the Italian world
  • In big Italian cities, you’ll find Italians that can speak some English quite easily. However, the further away from big Italian cities the less you’ll find people that speak English
  • Prices of hotels and restaurants highly fluctuate between high and low. In large Italian cities, you can usually find cheaper options, just keep looking.
  • Out of this world level architecture that will blow your mind
  • Some of the best art that’s ever been created in human history
  • Delicious ice cream filled stores on every block 


Here’s a complimentary video of me in Italy