Top 10 reasons to travel to Barcelona Spain in 2022

I’ll try to briefly summarize the best possible reasons you should visit Barcelona, Spain 

If after you head to Barcelona, you find reasons that can compete with mine; I would love it if you would leave a comment telling me what they are! 

Travel to Barcelona Spain
  1. Beaches
  • Barcelona has some of the best beaches on the planet. There’s a beach here called Barceloneta… Just saying Barceloneta brings back so many wonderful memories. You have to visit Barceloneta Beach at some point if you decide to go to Barcelona
  • If you are a beach person, this place will suit your deepest desires. Just imagine the most eventful beaches you have ever been to
  • I recommend just walking along the coastline endlessly, finding your own unique beach spots in Barcelona
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Travel to Barcelona Spain
  1. Hiking
  • You might not think it, but Barcelona has some marvelous hiking destinations. Directly near Barcelona lies Montserrat Natural Park which is a wonderful time which I highly recommend
  • If you look for bushes areas on your nearby map, you’re nearly guaranteed to find a world-class hike in any of those areas
  • If you’re looking for bigger hikes, look for Tibidabo Mountain, Vall de Núria, and Parque Natural del Montseny
  • Here’s a personal tip, try to find the highest point of Barcelona and then hike there for a wonderful surprise!
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Travel to Barcelona Spain
  1. Endless things to do
  • Whether you are into restaurants, nightclubs, history, tours, bicycling, sports, wandering around the endless abyss that is our green and blue planet. Barcelona is a spot for endless entertainment
  • Before coming here I would recommend looking up events for the dates that you will be here. You will surely find things in the event list that fascinate your consciousness
  • Don’t worry, if you just want to travel to lay back and chill… You’ll love this place too, refer back to 1. You’ll be able to find some very relaxing beaches.
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Food in Spain
  1. Food
  • If you could be considered a foodie, I must warn you, the nourishment here can get extreme. The smell, the texture, the taste will force your brain to transcend into another universe
  • Whether its bombas, tortilla de patatas, crema catalana, escalivada, croquetas, or the always wonderful tapas… Barcelona is home to some of the best food in existence, come try it!
  • When dealing with the idea of travel to Barcelona Spain one must admit defeat to the hands of Barcelona food
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Culture in Catalana
  1. Culture
  • If you speak Spanish you will mix into the cauldron of Barcelona quite intricately
  • Barcelona is in the region that is called Catalonia and there is a language called Catalan. Though I must tell you, if you speak Spanish you still will most likely not be able to understand much of the language of Catalan
  • Barcelona’s culture is immersed in absolute creativity
  • Culture is, in my opinion, a big reason to travel to Barcelona Spain
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Spain architecture
  1. Architecture
  • You will immediately notice the sculptures in Barcelona that are known as houses
  • When it comes to architecture, Barcelona isn’t very shy. It’s so in your face and you will adore every part of it. This is one of the large reasons Barcelona can be so difficult to leave
  • This city gives off such serene beauty that you’ll be able to sit on a bench and admire every inch of your visible environment for years.
  • I don’t want to expose too much about Barcelona’s architecture but just know…It is the only city in the world that was awarded the royal gold medal for architecture by the royal institute of British architects, It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before
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Transportation in Spain
  1. Transportation
  • When I try to think of a place where traversing the city is easy as can be, Barcelona immediately comes to mind.
  • Have you ever dealt with a city where you were lost in respect to the location of maps and transportation? Take a cruise through transportation in Barcelona, you’ll love it.
  • With the location of the metros, buses, and other public transportation… It’s unbelievable how fast you’ll be able to navigate this city, especially when you spend a little time over here
  • When you travel to Barcelona, Spain, start studying the public transportation system. I’m kidding, don’t worry about it, you won’t need to!
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Sports in Barcelona, Spain
  1. Sports
  • If you are into skateboarding like my self… You are looking at one of the most legendary cities on the planet for this extreme sport. Barcelona is home to the dew tour and MACBA! That’s right, MACBA! I could hardly believe it when I arrived at this professional spot. You’ll find pros skating at MACBA constantly, sometimes filming for parts. If you get confused about where it is like I did at first, it’s directly beside the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art
  • If you are into football (soccer) you probably already know how monumental Barcelona is in correlation with this city. The rivalry between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid FC can be a tremendous situation
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Travel to Barcelona Spain
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  1. Nightlife
  • If you are into parties… You might not want to come because you won’t want to leave
  • When you travel to Barcelona Spain you have no choice but to try out the nightlife scene, it is a different universe here
  • Even if you aren’t into parties I would highly suggest checking out one of the higher-class nightclubs in Barcelona. This experience can turn into a mystical event. I realize you’re probably calling me esoteric at the moment, my rebuttal is that I don’t want to ruin it for you!
  • Barcelona was one of the first real party cities I had ever been to in Europe… You’ll know exactly what I mean when I say those words when you come here. After Barcelona, head down to Ibiza for another place with world-class party vibrations
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Pure unbridled adventure
  1. Adventure
  • Barcelona is a city where you can wander around, get lost and it will be one of the best experiences of your entire life
  • Anything dealing with adventure has Barcelona’s name on it.
  • My favorite adventure activity to pursue in Barcelona is… Without looking at a map I try to find woods and then in those woods I try to find trails… Or make my own of course
  • When divulging into the world of Barcelona, the adventure will immediately speak for itself. I encourage you to go, get lost, talk to locals and ask them what their favorite parts of Barcelona are!


Here’s a complimentary video of me traveling like a vagrant in Barcelona, Spain in 2017